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5.  Albertano P., Di Somma D., Leonardi D., Canini A., Grilli Caiola M., 1996. Cell structure of planktic    cyanophytes in the Baltic Sea. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, Algological Studies 83: pp. 29-54.

6.  Canini A., Albertano P., Leonardi D., Di Somma D., Grilli Caiola M., 1996. Superoxide dismutase in cyanobacteria of the Baltic Sea. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, Algological Studies 83: pp. 129-143.

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8.  Albertano P., Viaggiu E., 1997. Capsular envelopes in two picocyanobacterial strains from the Baltic Sea. Atti Accademia dei Fisiocritici Siena, Ser. 15, 16: pp. 27- 29.

9.  Canini A., Albertano P., Grilli Caiola M., 1998. Localization of Fe-containing superoxide dismutase in cyanobacteria from the Baltic Sea: depth and light dependency. New Phytologist 139: pp. 247-254.

10. Stal L. J., Albertano P., Bergman B., von Broeckel K., Gallon J. R., Hayes P. K., Sivonen K., Walsby A. E., 1998. Development of cyanobacterial blooms in the Baltic Sea. In: Barthel K. G. et al. (eds.), 3rd European Marine Science and Technology Conference, vol II, pp. 728-740, EC-Directorate XII, Bruxelles.

11. Albertano P., Viaggiu E., 1999. Physiological response of two Baltic picocyanobacteria in Pi -limited cultures. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, Algological Studies 94: pp. 25-33.  

12. Albertano P., Viaggiu E., Stal L. J., 1999. Photoacclimation response of Baltic Sea picocyanobacteria in culture. In: Charpy L. and Larkum A.W.D. (eds.) Marine cyanobacteria, Bull. Inst. Océanogr., Monaco 19: pp. 217-222.

13. Congestri R., Federici R., Albertano P., 2000. Evaluating biomass of Baltic filamentous cyanobacteria by Image Analysis. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 22: pp. 283-290.

14. Gallon J.R., Evans A.M., Jones D.A., Albertano P., Congestri R., Bergman B., Gundersen K., Orcutt K. M., von Bröckel K., Fritsche P., Meyerhöfer M., Nachtigall K., Ohlendieck U., te Lintel Hekkert S., Sivonen K., Repka S., Stal L. J, Staal M., 2002. Maximum rates of N2 fixation and primary production are out of phase in a developing cyanobacterial bloom in the Baltic Sea. Limnologie Oceanography 47: pp. 1514-1521.

15. Albertano P., Viaggiu E., Calvanella S., Mattioli P., Melchiorre S., Bruno M. 2003. Occurrence of the toxic cyanobacterium. Planktothrix rubescens in the volcanic Lake Albano (Central Italy). In: Proc. Int. Conf. on “Residence times in lakes: science, management, education”, pp. 158-162, Ambrosini, Acquapendente (VT).

16. Calvanella S., Viaggiu E., Albertano P., 2003. How phosphorus deficiency affects physiology and morphometry of Baltic Picocyanobacteria. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, Algological studies 109: pp. 127-138.

17. Congestri R., Cappucci E., Albertano P., 2003. Morphometrical variability of Nodularia (Cyanobacteria) in Baltic natural communities. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 32: pp. 251-259.

18. Stal L.J., Albertano P.,  Bergmann B., von Broeckel K., Gallon J.R., Hayes P.K., Sivonen K., Walsby A.E., 2003. BASIC: Baltic Sea Cyanobacteria. An investigation of the structure and dynamics of water blooms of cyanobacteria in the Baltic Sea – Responses to a changing environment. Continental Shelf Research 23: pp. 1695-1714.

19. Viaggiu E., Calvanella S., Mattioli P., Melchiorre E., Bruno M., Albertano P., 2003. Toxic blooms of Planktothrix rubescens in three waterbodies in Italy. Arch. Hydrobiol, Algological Studies 109: pp. 569-577.  

20. Viaggiu E., Bianco I., Mattioli P., Calvanella S., Zaottini E., Albertano P., 2005. Fioriture di cianobatteri tossici in ambienti lacustri laziali (Italia Centrale). Informatore Botanico Italiano 37: pp. 610-611.